Friday, October 2, 2009


So I've generally been pretty positive about Bangkok. After all, I'm a positive person. One of the downsides though, is the mosquitos. They're everywhere, and sneaky little buggers. I swear the bugs here are higher evolved than in the states. Both mosquitos and ants seem faster, and have these crazy, unpredictable patterns of movement that makes them hard to kill.

Oh yeah, and by everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE. I have a room on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex. I never open the windows, and maybe walk outside on my "balcony," two or three times a week. And yes, I periodically see mosquitos in my room--my domain. And it's so frustrating...I just see this floating insect, and all of a sudden, it's gone, camoflauged among the many background colors my room provides.

I happen to have an egg-boiler in my room. It's rather small, and can fit about three eggs in it. I boiled some eggs in it, but left the lid off, and water in it for a couple of days.

You guessed it, I found a mosquito larvae IN MY egg-boiler. I'm declaring war on mosquitos, which makes me totally empathize with America's war on terrorists. You can kill so many, but they always seem to be even more. The buggers know how to hide too.

1 comment:

  1. sick!!

    ants are my problem. they make nests in odd places... like my camera battery charger. incidentally, you might want to keep all your electronics inside plastic bags...
